De beste manier om je toekomst te voorspellen, is haar zelf te creëren.

Stephen Covey

Transactional Analysis/Functional Fluency

Would you like to further develop your personal leadership, make more of an impact and optimize your performance? Then take part in the unique, award-winning personal effectiveness program, Transactional Analysis/Functional Fluency.

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Would you like to further develop your personal leadership, make more of an impact and optimize your performance? Then take part in the unique, award-winning personal effectiveness program, Transactional Analysis/Functional Fluency.

Get to know yourself on a deeper level, get the best out of yourself and get into the flow to realize your personal and business goals. You deal with obstructive thoughts and make a conscious choice to apply effective behavior even if you are triggered to act ineffectively. Enjoy the practical exercises and experience a program that will give your own future and that of your team and/or organization, a new, refreshing direction in an impactful way.
In short, become the best version of yourself with the Transactional Analysis/Functional Fluency course and allow yourself make a better contribute in various contexts.


During the training, the focus is on the participants’ own practical experiences and the issues they have to deal with. In addition to experiencing a training that is focused on each individual participant, the program during these training days is as follows. 

  • You become aware of what is happening within and around you because you have developed an antenna for this purpose.
  • You learn to understand others better and they will understand you better. The relationship between you and others is strengthened.
  • You will learn to effectively deal with the different dynamics in teams, organizations and networks.
  • You become more effective in your communication and increase your influence in a way that benefits both you and the other party.
  • You learn to reflect on behavior, so that you can manage the situation more consciously.
  • You prevent yourself from regularly ending up in the same difficult situation.
  • You find out what you are good at and how you can get more energy out of your work.
  • You find out what causes you to lose energy to and how to prevent it.
  • You become aware of ineffective thinking patterns, so that they no longer hinder you in your behavior.
  • You have a toolkit at your disposal for finding alternative behaviors.
  • You become more resilient and learn to deal with change.
  • You develop healthy and lasting relationships.
  • You learn to successfully apply the concepts and techniques you have learned can be used to benefit both yourself and others. Both from a managerial or coaching position, as well as in other roles you fulfil and in which you are committed to the personal and professional development of others.

The investment is €3,500. This fee is excluding VAT, including catering and training materials.

The dates are determined in mutual agreement.

We also offer our courses in Dutch, German, French or Spanish. Please contact us for more information.