It is not the brains that matter most, but that which guides them.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Reboard: increase your impact as a team

We are allowed to go back to the office, but probably not all at the same time. When do you need to see each other, for what purpose? What makes hybrid working complicated? How do you  (re)connect with each other? Give your team a kick-start and create a fun and useful reboarding program together with us, that fits the wishes, needs and objectives of the team.

In this day and age, changes follow each other at a rapid pace. From working remotely all week, we are starting to work at the office more often, and the hybrid model will become the standard. Every one of us deals with change differently. And every team has different challenges to meet in this new way of working.

It has been scientifically proven that if the mutual connection is strengthened, the job satisfaction and the effectiveness of a team increases! Time for reboarding. Give your team a kick-start and draw up a fun and useful reboarding programme that fits the needs and wishes, challenges and objectives of the team.

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  • Reconnecting in an active, fun and positive way.
  • Ensuring connection, safety and trust in the team to further strengthen open communication.
  • Insight in where we are as a team when it comes to collaboration and which development is needed.
  • Gaining insight into what changes do to you and the team.
  • Making a fresh start, reviewing ambitions and goals.
  • Making new agreements to achieve the objectives: actions, tasks and responsibilities.
  • Learning how to work together to create a positive work climate and increase job satisfaction.

Starting point

  • An impact scan: are we as a team, what are the bottlenecks and where lies the greatest gain? In short: what are we going to work on?
  • Fine-tuning the programme: duration, content, desired team building activities, location(s), etc.

Possible topics of the programme

  • Team building activities and/or experiential learning exercises to increase connection, safety and trust. And, of course, to have fun together!
  • How do I and my team deal with change?
  • What is the change curve and what does ours look like?
  • How do we make a positive new start with the team?
  • How do we ensure that expectations we have of each other are clear?
  • How do we formulate the desired performance?
  • What roles, responsibilities and tasks are involved?
  • How do we divide them in a good way to create ownership?
  • What information do you need to understand what is expected of you and how do you obtain it?
  • How do you build up courage, self-confidence and stress-resistance?
  • What support do you expect from others to step into your new world?
  • How does continuous learning and improvement ensure that moving along with your environment becomes second nature?
  • How do you celebrate successes together and why is it important?
  • Which instruments can I use to promote happiness at work for myself and others?
  • What do we still need to develop together and how will we support each other in doing so?


After the programme you will have:

  • positive energy and more connection within the team;
  • a thorough analysis of where the team stands: the impact measurement;
  • a concrete team plan with objectives, expectations, actions and responsibilities;
  • the team members can immediately start bringing their insights into practice;
  • the team members are aware of their own and the team's development points so that they can follow up on them.

Way of working

The subjects above and/or additional subjects can be interwoven into a fun team day where everyone comes together physically. Part of the programme can also take place online. All this will be determined together on the basis of the impact measurement and the wishes and needs that exist.

Knowledge and insights on the topics of the programme are made available before, during and after the (virtual) meetings. Amongst others via the digital learning environment of Feedback Training & Consulting.

Because knowledge and insights are gained beforehand and between sessions, there is more time during the (online) meetings to make the translation to your own practice. This ensures an even better (learning) result.

Feedback Training & Consulting is happy to make a proposal that fits the wishes and specific situation of your team.

The dates are determined in mutual agreement.

We also offer our courses in Dutch, German, French or Spanish. Please contact us for more information.