Systemic working (Family and organizational constellations)

Find out more about the various unique applications of Systemic working. Learn how you can work with family and organizational constellations. You start by putting forward issues yourself and acting as a representative in situations other participants want to look into. Experience the unique approach to understanding why things are as they are at an individual, team and organizational level, and how the approach can be used to break patterns that stand in the way of the desired situation.

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Breaking ineffective patterns at an individual, team and organizational level.

Organizational constellations provide a good overview of the organization and the well-being of the various members, departments, customers and other important elements. The model is derived from family constellations. In a family constellation, a person selects a number of people from a group who represent the members of his family. He then positions them in space in relation to each other. What makes this method so special is that once these representatives have taken their position, they feel and behave like the people they represent, even though they do not know them. This allows us to use the constellation to get a clear picture of what is going on in the family system.
If we apply this method to organizations, we get a good overview of the organization or the team, how it has gotten itself ‘stuck’, and using the constellation we can work towards a solution or towards accepting the situation as it is. Because what happens at a team or organizational level is often partly rooted in the family systems of those involved, both are central to the Systemic Working program.


This ten-day program ‘Organizational and family constellations’ costs € 2,750. This fee is excluding VAT, including catering and training materials.

This training can also be followed in-company, tailored to the specific situation within your organization. Feedback is happy to draw up a proposal.

Click on 'Register now' or request more information first by clicking on 'Talk to a consultant'.


The dates are determined in mutual agreement.

We also offer our courses in Dutch, German, French or Spanish. Please contact us for more information.